The Impostor Syndrome Starter Bundle
Jumpstart Your Journey to Overcome Impostor Syndrome
3 Digital Workshops with Dr. Lisa Orbe-Austin

Are you ready to stop questioning your own abilities and finally feel free to pursue the career of your dreams?
Research suggests that approximately 70% of professionals experience Impostor Syndrome at some point during their career.
- Do you feel like you’re stuck in your job, overworking and getting nowhere?
- Are you working for a lower salary than your potential or peers in your position?
- Do you downgrade your own achievements and devalue your own work?
- Are you putting your own dreams, and career growth on hold to work towards someone else’s goals?
- Do you wish you could finally own your accomplishments and maximize your potential… without being overwhelmed by stress or self-doubt?
…Then The Impostor Syndrome Starter Bundle
was created for you.

Workshop #1
Impostor Syndrome Introduction
A $200 Value
This workshop breaks down the components and cycles of Impostor Syndrome and how they affect your everyday life. You’ll learn how to identify signs of Impostor Syndrome in your thoughts and behavioral patterns and learn to rewire the automatic negative thoughts (ANTS) that are affecting you.
Dr. Lisa Orbe-Austin goes far deeper than generic definitions and advice and dispels common myths that hold people back from overcoming Impostor Syndrome and explains specific pressures women, BIPOC, first-gen and immigrant and other traditionally marginalized individuals often experience.

Workshop #2
Your Dream Team
A $200 Value
No one reaches their full career potential, alone, there is a lot more involved in advancement than hard work or qualifications.
The common saying — your network equals your net worth — is profoundly true. Learn exactly WHO you need on your career dream team, HOW to reach out to them, and WHAT to watch out for, so you’ll be able to choose the right people, create a healthy dynamic and set the right boundaries to protect yourself and your relationships.
Dr. Lisa Orbe-Austin will show you how to identify and rewire blocks and thoughts holding you back from building your dream team — blocks like, I’m not good enough... they’re too busy… why would they want to help me? Plus, you’ll learn insider ways to find a therapist that fits your budget, and how to find a quality QUALIFIED career coach.

Workshop #3
Boundaries, Burnout & Self Care
A $200 Value
After this workshop, you’ll have an effective self care plan that will help you fight burnout and sustain your journey to overcoming Imposter Syndrome. You’ll learn the 3 crucial types of self care, time and task management techniques that help prevent burnout, and how to set important work boundaries. Dr. Lisa Orbe-Austin identifies the connection between Imposter Syndrome, prioritizing work and distractions.
Like everything Dr. Lisa Orbe-Austin teaches, these techniques are research based and proven to really improve your daily experience. Dr. Lisa even explains why you might still feel exhausted and drained after certain activities that may seem like self care but are actually ineffective pseudo-regulators.
A proven action plan to manage stress and build greater confidence in your career
In these 3 digital workshops, (over 90 minutes of content) Dr. Lisa Orbe-Austin will help you develop a plan for addressing Impostor Syndrome. You'll learn the action steps to identify symptoms of Impostor Syndrome, and become empowered with the techniques that will help you begin to overcome it — so that you can enjoy the work life you are worthy of.
Dr. Lisa deeply understands how Impostor Syndrome affects your performance, self-care and happiness.
As she teaches these workshops, Dr. Lisa Orbe-Austin shares from her decade of professional experience guiding others to overcome Impostor Syndrome, and personal experience overcoming it herself.
Her nuanced approach acknowledges the unique environmental pressures that women, BIPOC, First-Gen and immigrants experiencing Impostor Syndrome face — and she shares empowering advice and anecdotes from her own lived experience and vast expertise.
What You'll Learn
- How To Identify Signs of Impostor Syndrome
- How to Build Your Career Dream Team
- The 3 Crucial Types of Self Care
- Action Steps to Overcome Negative Thoughts
- How To Set Boundaries
The Content
- 3 Pre-Recorded Digital Workshops
- Over 90 minutes of Content
- Unlimited Access